All students are encouraged to take challenging course work. Pre-Advanced Placement (Pre-AP) and Advanced Placement (AP) coursework is designed to be college preparatory work. Students who wish to take Pre-AP or AP coursework can expect the course to be both rewarding and challenging and should be prepared to spend a great deal of time devoted to homework and independent study. Students taking AP coursework are also required to take the Advanced Placement Exam at the end of the course.
AP courses are designed to assist students in obtaining college credit by successfully taking the AP Exam; therefore, the courses are very rigorous. Most colleges and universities in the U.S., as well as colleges and universities in 24 other countries, have an AP policy granting incoming students credit, placement, or both on the basis of their AP exam grades. Many of these institutions grant up to a full year of college credit (sophomore standing) to students who earn a sufficient number of qualifying AP grades. Students seeking credit through their AP grades should note that individual colleges and universities, not the College Board or the AP Program, grant course credit and placement. Because policies regarding AP grades vary, students should obtain a college’s AP policy in writing. Students can find this information by searching the institution’s catalogue or Website, or by using the “College Search” feature on collegeboard.com. Key questions include:
- Will credit or placement be available for qualifying AP grades?
- What minimum AP exam grade qualifies a student for credit or placement?
- Must a student fulfill other requirements to receive credit or placement?
Payment Information:
Flour Bluff Independent School District pays a portion of each AP test fee. Students are responsible for the remaining portion. For the 2017-18 school year, the student’s portion for each AP test is $55.00. A reduced fee is available for students who qualify for free or reduced lunch. Payments for AP tests will be collected at the beginning of the second six weeks of the course. Payment arrangements are available, if needed. Students who have not made payment arrangements by the end of the first semester are subject to removal from the course.
Exit Procedure for Pre-AP and AP:
During the first six-week grading period, any request to exit a Pre-AP or AP class will require meeting with the student’s parent, teacher, and counselor/administrator. The teacher may recommend reassignment to a regular class if the student is not demonstrating success in the Pre-AP or AP classroom. If a student is reassigned to a regular class, grades previously earned will be transferred to the regular class, without weighted value (unless the student has already earned semester credit.)
Advanced Placement Scores For Credit: